Conference Schedule

Check-In and Entry

Advisors must visit our Check-In table prior to opening ceremonies. Advisors will receive badges for all their delegates and advisor packet at the table. We ask delegations to arrive 15 minutes prior to opening ceremonies in order to follow the conference time and to avoid disturbance.  

Opening Ceremonies 

DeMUN secretariat will welcome our delegates and advisors to our conference. A special guest will address the conference, along with an exciting video to showcase our committees. 

Committee Session 1

Chairs will guide delegates to the committee room and establish quorum. Committee rooms will open debate, and chairs will facilitate the flow of committee. 


Chairs dismiss delegates to lunch. A list of restaurants around our campus can be found using the attached link: — 

Committee Session 2

Chairs will ask delegates to resume the committee. There will be an expectation to enter voting procedures. 

Chair Feedback Session

Chairs can give feedback to delegates and provide them with notes of their performance. 

Closing Ceremonies & Awards

The Secretariat will present individual and delegation awards, calling for the closure of the conference.